No editorialized news articles/videos/'content'. Posts should not contain emojis in the title.ģ.3. Posts should contain more than 3 words.ģ.2. Please use English as a mode of communication as far as possible, if your conversation goes into a regional language please provide translation - we do not leave any room for interpretation here.
Zero tolerance towards piracy and any content related to it is one of our core rules and there is no place for piracy in our sub. Do not promote or support piracy or link to piracy related websites. No use of racist, sexist terms and/or any hate speech - we do not leave any room for interpretation here.ġ.3. No flaming, witch-hunting and doxxing.ġ.2. Abide by Reddiquette and the Reddit content policy failing to do so might lead to a site-wide ban.ġ.1. All rules are non negotiable and are as follows** : 1. A humble request, if you're new to reddit please go through this handy FAQ, to understand how it works and what the meta-contextual elements within it mean. We have a few rules, please go through them before posting. Visit our Wiki if you have any further questions or make a post! Pretty much anything in and around videogames and its intersection with India or Indian-ness. r/IndianGaming - For discussions related to the Indian gaming scenario, from video games in general, how we procure them to how we play them.